For a while I was teaching English at a community program called SPELL. The program required us to turn in paper attendance sheets each week. For my first Flask project, I wanted to create an online attendance tool for teachers to more easily track and turn in their attendance. I used Bootstrap for the UI and mysql for the database. After completing the initial screens, I decided to refactor the project and start again (see Take 2). Both versions of the code are written in Python 2.7 which has since been deprecated. This code never went live, but it was a good learning experience.

Take 1

This code lives in a Bitbucket repository

/index - This is the index/ Welcome page

Index page

/register - Enable users to register

Register page

/login - Standard Login Page

Login page

/login - After a new user registers, he is redirected to the login page.

Login page after redirect

/dashboard - There was supposed to be more to this screen, but I decided to refactor the project and start from scratch.

Empty Dashboard page

Take 2

This code lives in a BitBucket repository called SpellDemo For this second attempt, I used a different Bootstrap theme that was less bright, and I simplified the code base. In the first attempt, I had tried to use blueprints and the codebase became confusing. This second trial, I decided it was better to start simple, and refactor later, if needed.

/login - Standard Login Page

Standard Login page

/logout redirects back to the Login page with a message to the user that he has successfully logged out

Login page after redirect from logout

/dashboard - Admin dashboard SPELL is a community program that recurs twice each year for 12 weeks each semester. The idea behind this screen is that the administrator of the program would set the current semester of the program (ie, Winter 2016, Fall 2016), and enter the names of enrolled students and assign them to classes.

Admin Dashboard

/attendance - Morning attendance tab Teachers in SPELL teach two classes - one in the morning and one in the afternoon. This attendance page enables teachers to enter attendance for both their classes. The page uses javascript and Bootstrap to provide a tab navigation so teacher can easily toggle between morning and afternoon attendance for that day. The teacher chooses a date first and is shown a list of all the students in his morning and afternoon classes. The teacher can use the radio buttons to mark the attendance accordingly, and optionally can enter a comment.

Morning attendance page

/attendance - Afternoon attendance tab

Afternoon attendance page

/students - List of students in this teacher's class

Student list page

/student/add - Add student

Add student page

/student/edit/{id} - Edit student

Edit student page